Terms and Conditions

The site – Airtiks - is exclusively intended to serve and help clients in India and over the globe in arranging their travel agendas. By utilizing the site for all your travel needs, you consent to hold to the terms and conditions referenced in this. These terms and conditions are ascribed to a wide range of travel-related exchanges occurring on the site and are in consistency with the lawful commitments. The terms and conditions will be considered to comprise a legitimately restricting contract between Airtiks and the Customer. If these terms and conditions are not adequate to the Customer, the Customer is requested to exit the Airtiks site.

These terms of utilization are filed between you and Airtiks. The accompanying terms and conditions, together with any archives they explicitly consolidate by reference (altogether, these "Terms of Use} guide your excess to and utilization of Airtiks alongside the Company's portable site and mobile and tablet applications, including any substance, usefulness and administrations offered on or through Airtiks the Company's active site mobile and tablet applications regardless of whether as a visitor or an enrolled client. The Website is given exclusively to help you in collecting travel data, deciding the accessibility of travel, related goods and enterprises, reserving an authentic spot or generally executing business with travel providers, and for no other reason.

Please read the Terms of Condition cautiously before you begin to use the Website. By utilising the Website or by clicking to acknowledge or consent to the Terms of Use when this alternative is made accessible to you, you accept and agree to be bound and comply with these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, found at our website. On the off chance that you would prefer not to consent to these Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, you should not access or utilize the Website.

This Website offers and is accessible to clients who are 18 years old or more established and dwell in India. By utilising this Website, you speak to and warrant that you meet the majority of the other qualification prerequisites. On the off chance that you don't meet these necessities, you should not access or utilize the Website.

Changes of Terms of Use

We may overhaul and refresh these Terms of Use every once in a while in our sole circumspections. All progressions are taking effect right when we present them and apply on all excess and use of the Website after that. You can proceed with the utilization of the Website following the posting of overhauled Terms of Use implies that you acknowledge and consent to the changes. You are expected to check this page each time you get to the Website, so you know about any changes, as they are official on you.

Accessing the Website and Account Security

We maintain whatever authority is needed to withdraw or change this Website, and any administration or material we give on or through the Website, in our sole prudence without notice. We won't be obligated if, for any reason, all or any piece of the Website is inaccessible whenever or for any period. Every once in a while, we may limit access to a few sections of the Website, or the whole Website, to clients, including enrolled clients.

You are in charge of:
  • Making all the courses of action vital for you to approach the Website.
  • Guaranteeing that all people who get to the Website through your web association know about these Terms of Use and abide by them.
  • To get to the Website or a portion of the assets it offers, you might be requested to give certain enlistment subtleties or other data. It is a state of your utilization of the Website that all the data you provide on the Website is right, current and finish. You concur that all data you give to enrol this Website or something else, including yet not restricted to using any natural highlights on the Website, is administered by our Privacy Policy, and you agree to all moves we make concerning your data steady with our Privacy Policy.
  • If you pick or are provided with, a username, password or some other snippet of data as a significant aspect of our security strategies, you should regard such data as private, and you should not uncover it to some other individual or element. You likewise recognize that your record is close to home to you and concur not to furnish some other individual with access to this Website or segments of it utilising your username, secret key or extra security data. You consent to tell us quickly of any unapproved access to or utilization of your username or password or some other break of security. You additionally agree to guarantee that you exit from your record toward the finish of every session. You should utilize a specific alert while getting to your document from an open or shared PC, so others are not ready to view or record your password or other individual data.
  • We have the privilege to disable any username, secret word or another identifier, regardless of whether picked by you or given by us, whenever in our sole circumspection for any or no reason, including if, as we would see it, you have abused any arrangement of these Terms of Use.
Intellectual Property Rights

The Website and its whole substance, highlights and usefulness (counting however not restricted to all data, programming, content, shows, pictures, video and sound, and the plan, determination, and course of action thereof), are possessed by the Company. Its licensors or different suppliers of such material and are ensured and universal copyright, trademark, patent, competitive advantage and other protected innovation or restrictive rights laws.

These Terms of Use allow you to utilize the Website for your own, non-business utilize as it were. You should not imitate, disperse, change, make subsidiary works of, freely show, openly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any of the material on our Website, except for as pursues:

  • You may store records that are consequently reserved by your Web program for showcase improvement purposes.
  • You may print one duplicate of a reasonable number of pages of the Website for your very own, non-business use and not for a further generation, production or dissemination.
  • If we give work area, portable or different applications for download, you may download a single duplicate to your PC or cell phone exclusively for your very own, non-business use, if you consent to be bound by our end client permit understanding for such applications.
  • If we give web-based life highlights specific substance, you may accept such activities as are empowered by such stresses.
You must not:
  • Adjust duplicates of any materials from this site.
  • Utilize any delineation, photos, video or sound arrangements or any illustrations independently from the going with content.
  • Erase or modify any copyright, trademark or other exclusive rights sees from duplicates of materials from this site.
  • You should not access or use for any business purposes any piece of the Website or any administrations or materials accessible through the Website. If you wish to make any utilization of gear on the Website other than that set out in this segment, it would be ideal if you deliver your demand to support@airtiks.com
  • In the event that you print, duplicate, alter, download or generally use or provide some other individual with access to any piece of the Website in violation of the Terms of Use, your entitlement to utilize the Website will stop quickly and you should, at our alternative, return or crush any duplicates of the materials you have made. No right, title or enthusiasm for or to the Website or any substance on or got through the Website exchanged to you, and the Company holds all the powers not explicitly allowed. Any utilization of the Website not expressly permitted by these Terms of Use is a violation of these Terms of Use and may abuse copyright, trademark and different laws.

The Company name, explicit terms, the Company logo and every single related title, logos, item and administration names, plans and mottos are trademarks of the Company or its members or licensors or other third parties. You should not utilize such marks without the prior written consent of the Company. Every single different name, logos, item and administration names, plans and slogans on this Website are the trademarks of their respective proprietors.

Prohibited Uses
  • You may utilize the Website just for legitimate purposes and by these Terms of Use. You concur not to use the Website:
  • To abuse, hurting or endeavoring to utilize or harm minors in any capacity by presenting them to improper substance, requesting by and by recognizable data or something else.
  • To send, intentionally get, transfer, download, use or re-utilize any material which does not consent to the Content Standards set out in these Terms of Use.
  • For transmit, or secure the sending of, any publicizing or promotional material, including any "junk mail," "junk letter" or "spam" or some other comparable sales.
  • To take part in whatever other lead that limits or restrains anybody's utilization or happiness regarding the Website, or which, as controlled by us, may hurt the Company or clients of the Website or open them to obligation.
  • Additionally, you agree not to:

    Utilize the Website in any way that could debilitate, overburden, harm, or weaken the webpage or meddle with some other parties utilization of the Website, including their capacity to take part continuously exercises through the Website.

    Utilize any robot, spider or another programmed gadget; processor intends to get to the Website for any reason, including checking or replicating any of the material on the Website.

    Utilize any manual procedure to screen or duplicate any of the material on the Website or for some other unapproved reason without our earlier composed assent.

    Utilize any gadget, programming or schedule that meddles with the best possible working of the Website.

    Present any virus, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or other material which is evil or innovatively hurtful. Endeavor to increase unapproved access to, meddle with, harm or disturb any parts of the Website, the server on which the Website is put away, or any server, PC or database associated with the Website. Assault the Website utilizing a disavowal of-benefit assault or a conveyed forswearing of- benefit assault. Something else, endeavor to meddle with the best possible working of the Website.

    User Contributions

    The Website may contain message boards, chat rooms, personal web pages or profiles, forums, bulletin boards and other interactive highlights (aggregately, "Interactive Services") that enable clients to post, submit, distribute, show or transmit to different clients or different people (hereinafter, "post") substance or materials (all in all, "Client Contributions") on or through the Website. All User Contributions must consent to the Content Standards set out in these Terms of Use.

    Any User Contribution you post to the site will be considered as unclassified and non- restrictive. By giving any User Contribution on the Website, you concede us and our associates and specialist co-ops, and each of their and our particular licensees, successors and relegate the privilege to utilize, duplicate, adjust, perform, show, appropriate and generally reveal to outsiders any such material for any reason.

    You represent and warrant that:

    You possess or control all rights in and to the User Contributions and have the ability to concede the permit allowed above to us and our subsidiaries and specialist co-ops, and each of their and our particular licensees, successors and allots. The majorities of your User Contributions do and will consent to these Terms of Use.

    We have the privilege to:

    Expel or decline to post any User Contributions for any or no reason in our sole caution

    Monitoring and Enforcement; Termination

    ake any move as for any User Contribution that we esteem important or suitable in our sole watchfulness. It included if we trust that such User Contribution damages the Terms of Use, including the Content Standards, infringes any protected innovation right or different privileges of any individual or element, compromises the individual wellbeing of clients of the Website or the general population or could make the risk for the Company.

    Reveal your personality or other data about you to any outsider who guarantees that material posted by you abuses their rights, including their protected innovation rights or their entitlement to security.

    Make a proper legitimate move, including without constraint, referral to law requirement, for any unlawful or unapproved utilization of the Website.

    End or suspend your entrance to all or part of the Website for any or no reason, including without restriction, any infringement of these Terms of Use.

    Copyright Infringement

    On the off chance that you trust that any User Contributions disregard your copyright if it's not too much trouble see our DMCA Copyright Policy for guidelines on sending us a notice of copyright encroachment. It is the policy of the Company to end the client records of rehash infringers.

    Data about You and Your Visits to the Website

    All data we gather on this Website is liable to our Privacy Policy. By utilizing the Website, you agree to all moves made by us concerning your data inconsistency with the Privacy Policy.